Ageless Living

a new television series…a choice…a way of life!




We – younger and older alike- can rise!  Together we can rise to meet the major challenges and capitalize on the extraordinary opportunities and responsibilities presenting themselves in these awkward times. 


We  can use our hard won wisdom and experience – both the victories and our stumbles - and  envision all of the precious moments that lie ahead in our lives.


This is not the time to stand on the sidelines or turn away.  This is the time to step forward, retake our rightful place in the decision making process of these times and support humanity in charting a new and positive course for the future.


The insights, recommendations and strategies offered in this free e-book can help you do this and more.  It can help you become part of the solution.  It can support you in writing a new story and– as Buckminster Fuller suggested it can help you – “Become an architect of the future, not its victim.” 


So just click below and take your next step in joining some of the terrific wisdom keepers who are part of the Ageless Living Television Series.  In addition to the e-book you’ll have the opportunity to participate in webinars, Q&A and Coaching Sessions, to listen to podcasts and featured interviews with them and other experts, to read blogs and much more.

The New Story Begins with You!

Watch this video...


Your Contribution Matters

Your generous donation of any amount can play an integral part in helping us accomplish these goals.


Your contribution supports our ongoing work of honoring the wisdom of our elders and bringing inspiration and valuable life-enhancing strategies to old and young alike.  Donate today and us help grow our projects and expand our offerings.

  • Bring inspiration and valuable, life-enhancing strategies from leading wisdom keepers to national and international audiences that include old and young alike, and...

  • Offer the Ageless Living Podcast and other inspiring content free of cost to “people who weren’t born yesterday” and younger people who are now inheriting the future, and


Ageless Living is a moment by moment choice to open, expand and thrive without being concerned about or restricted by the limits of time.  It is the awareness that we are not just physical beings, but timeless energy and we can celebrate our lives and enjoy the myriad opportunities present each day to explore, experiment, learn and share the bounty of being alive with everyone we meet. 

Living Life on Our Terms

Ageless Living is about dreaming  and creating the life we truly want at EVERY age.  It’s about taking responsibility for our own lives and our well-being, committing to living and sharing our truth and standing up for our highest and best values, and in this way, being better at being human.

We are Ageless Energy

Our unique energy matters and will go on in some form after we leave this physical body for we are part of the universal field of energy and the unity of all life.  So let’s enjoy the process of growing and evolving beyond society’s limited definition of what is possible at every age.  

The Best Is Yet to Be

Being Ageless is about embracing our highest potential, trusting in the benevolence of life and the unlimited possibilities in store for us.  All we need do is remain flexible, hold the high ground, claim our capabilities and honor what we have to share. 

Sharing Our Best & Leaving Our Legacy

We can be a voice of compassion, inspiration and action.  We can inspire a change in perspective by sharing our hard-won lessons, by sharing our love and our truth. We can be ambassadors for a new way of living, expanding and thriving as we age and sharing the blessings of our hearts to the world.

Be a Valued Part of the

Ageless Living

Global Community

Our free weekly e-news offers valuable insights, tips, and life strategies from leading authors and experts that can help you

live more fully, love more deeply and better meet

the challenges and thrive in the 21st century.


Time to come together to live and move beyond the restrictions imposed on us by the prejudices associated with Ageism whether directed against the young or those who are older.


It’s time to celebrate and support the birthing of a New Story, a story that will allow us to leave behind the fear and illusions that divide us from each other, the false myths of scarcity and competition that pit us against each other and that embolden the few in their efforts to subjugate the many.  It is time in this conflicted age to rid ourselves of our futile and destructive obsession with the Gods of Economics, Consumption and Materialism.   For in the words of Lynne Twist, ‘one can never get to enough through the door called more.”


It is time for a New Story, one that calls to our hearts and inspires us to reach for greater consciousness, collaboration, and expand our quest for greater understanding, individual and collective empowerment, equality, compassion, and above all, the pursuit of the greatest good for the greatest number.

Yes, this is a time of unprecedented challenges and conflict, a time some suggest is the end game for humanity.  But it is also a time of remarkable opportunity. Time to honor and celebrate the wisdom and experience those of us who weren’t born yesterday have earned as a result of our breakthroughs as well as from our stumbles.


It is also time to return to the path of wisdom we have been counseled to follow by the our indigenous ancestors who for more than 150,000 years adhered to the Natural Laws, protected and conserved the natural resources, honored other life forms and the remarkable habitat that was their home.  In short, they practiced sufficiency and as a result delivered into our hands a virtual paradise.  And now the question that should call us all awake is what have we done to this paradise during our time at the helm?  Will it be said that we have been good stewards of this legacy, or have we, out of arrogance and unknowing, abdicated our responsibility.


We believe it is also time to recognize that this wisdom is not the sole providence of those of us who are older, but that wisdom resides as well with many who are coming of age in this time of challenge who are demonstrating the courage and need to share it.   And so it is time, to exercise our responsibility as elders to speak our truth without shame, but with humility. To own our sins and failure as well as our victories and in this way to make the way safe and possible for those who follow.us.   To provide them with our encouragement and support so that they can help us make right some of the things we have - through omission or commission –allowed to be visited upon this planet in our time..


Above all, it is time for young and old alike to remember and benefit from the lessons history offers us, and to be sure that Natural Law and foresight are always used to measure the value and impact of the discoveries of science and technology.  And it is time to remember that we are far more magnificent and powerful than we often believe and that we are self-regulating beings who no longer need to be victims of our biology, of the outmoded and limited beliefs of the past and that we are never too old or too young to live the dreams each of us has come here to mature and to manifest for the greater good.


These are just some of the things we believe become possible when we walk on this path called Ageless Living.

2020 Telly Award for the Ageless Living Series

with Co-Producers, George and Sedena Cappannelli





The Telly Awards was founded in 1979 to honor excellence in local, regional and cable television commercials with non-broadcast video and television programming added soon after. With the recent evolution and rise of digital video (web series, VR, 360 and beyond), the Telly Awards today also reflects and celebrates this exciting new era of the moving image on and offline.


The Telly Awards annually showcases the best work created within television and across video, for all screens. Receiving over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents, Telly Award winners represent work from some of the most respected advertising agencies, television stations, production companies and publishers from around the world. The Telly Awards recognizes work that has been created on the behalf of a client, for a specific brand and/or company (including your own) or self-directed as a creative endeavor. For more information, visit tellyawards.com.

The concept of agelessness is so important, not only for people who are 60 and over, but also for people who are young.

Sandra McKnight

It takes all of us together doing wonderful things in collaboration and support to get to the next stage of our evolution.

George Cappannelli

All of the speakers are very inspirational to me (teaching) us how we can continue to raise our consciousness.

Sunday Law

The human species has a new question, which is, what is the meaning of all this new power, that's good?

Barbara Marx Hubbard

No matter what your age, your unique wisdom, experience, truth and your magnificent song that only you can sing...matters!

Sedena Cappannelli

Ageless Living to me is about living long, healthy, meaningful and sustainable lives so we can share our wisdom and experience with the next generations.

Nathan Crane

This has really opened up doors that I haven't opened up yet and that I'm really excited about.


Deborah Boldt

We are a lot more powerful than we've been led to believe...if you want to live long... (we must learn how to express love and overcome fear.)

Anita Moorjani

Whenever you're not getting what you need, you're looking in the wrong direction.  Ageless Living gets better and better if we care for our spirit.

John Gray


In these complicated and turbulent times, we believe there is a growing need for each of us to play a greater role by remembering this good advice from Buckminster Fuller – “We are born to be the architects of the future, not its victims.”

Your generous donation of any amount can play an integral part in helping us accomplish our mission.


Ageless Living is a moment by moment choice to open, expand and thrive without being concerned about or restricted by the limits of time.  It is the awareness that we are not just physical beings, but timeless energy and we can celebrate our lives and enjoy the myriad opportunities present each day to explore, experiment, learn and share the bounty of being alive with everyone we meet.

© 2021 by Ageless Living Series, LLC. All Rights Reserved.